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Missão nas Estrelas Teste

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Mostrando postagens com marcador comics. Mostrar todas as postagens

domingo, 17 de outubro de 2021


Adquiram a revista Missão nas Estrelas pelo Kindle da Amazon através do link abaixo:

    O ano de 2021 ainda é marcado pela pandemia, por campanhas de desinformação, anticiência, problemas econômicos, políticos e muita luta para se sobreviver. Não foi diferente comigo. Passei um ano desempregada morando em um quartinho de uma ocupação vivendo de uma ocupação com rato e barata e passando fome enquanto desenhava o primeiro volume de Missão nas Estrelas. Recentemente, pouco mais de três meses consegui um trabalho formal e sai dessa situação. No mesmo período publiquei a revista no Kindle da Amazon. A longo prazo, ela será impressa. Tenho a primeira versão de Missão nas Estrelas n. 02 pronta. Enfim. 
    O que a obra aborda? Missão nas Estrelas 01 é uma história de quadrinhos ao estilo ópera espacial que se passa em uma época que a humanidade pode fazer viajens interestelares e se tornou uma potência imperialista da galáxia. É uma analogia com a Terra. Meu objetivo é tentar fazer crítica social. 
    A revista inicia a narrativa no planeta Scorpiae o qual está sob ocupação militar humana há vinte havia anos. A humanidade fez uma guerra contra Scorpiae acreditando que seria atacada pelos escorpianos. Ela extinguiu todo o império escorpiano e ocupou Scorpiae. Há analogias com a Bíblia que o leitor irá perceber, contudo não quero dar muito spoiler. A revista é uma crítica à superpotências como Estados Unidos. Vem mais por aí haja vista produções de Star Trek Discorvery, Star Trek Picard etc em andamento.

Deixo uma amostra da revista abaixo: 

sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2020

Design experience with Lenovo Yoga 520

    I am working in parallel on two illustrated stories. I stopped to reflect on my design platform. I use a Lenovo Yoga 520 notebook with active pen (Active Pen). It uses an AAAA battery. Its duration can reach one year. In my case, as I use it for about eight hours a day, consumption ended in seven months. They are hard to find. I bought ten batteries from São Paulo from a seller linked to Magazine Luíza. I noticed delays in the lines and jagged lines when drawing inclined. My Yoga has an I 5 processor with its own integrated graphics card HD 620, 8 GB of Ram and 1 TB of HD. I use Illustrator to draw. Often,    when I turn the screen to use tablet mode, this software activates the hand function and does not switch to other functions such as the pen. The housing is made of carbon fiber, so it is very fragile. A small piece, a corner, came out of the base of Yoga. When Lenovo launched this 2 in 1, it thought of versatility for reading, annotations, signatures, presentations and low-demand graphics. You cannot have more than one Adobe software open at the same time and operating. You cannot also have a large number of clipboards saved in Illustrator, as it can crash when you are saving or switching functions, which raises the risk of wasting time, since recovery is turned off for complex files. If there are a lot of artboards, if I save a drawing, I must wait for this function to be completely executed so as not to crash the software.

    I've never had experience with a tablet. I only saw them on the internet. I found the screen ones interesting. They are very expensive. Until two years ago I drew on another notebook with the touchpad. I don't have good motor coordination, so the drawings come out distorted or with the central point of the highest perspective. He made the sketches on paper and scanned them. However, I canceled the Star Mission comic book that I was going to draw at that time. Graphic technology made my life easier. I still have software that I used between 2011 and 2016 like the Gimp I like. Illustrator has few effects for drawings, so I use this one to, for example, create clouds from fractals or underexposure. I have to learn to work with Photoshop. It has more functions than Illustrator, however it handles well with open source programs as well. Returning to the question of 2 in 1 notebook and graphics tablet, the question remains which generates the greatest efficiency and flexibility for work.

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2020

A tragédia de Calebe Kalar (Tragedy of Caleb Kalar)


Pobre Calebe. A biografia do ex-príncipe imperial deve ser complementada. Foi dito que ele é melancólico por mudanças culturais, contudo há uma tragédia pessoal envolvendo sua família. Há vinte anos ele teve seus pais, irmãos, mulher e filhos mortos durante um ataque do Consórcio durante a tentativa de decolagem da estelanave imperial.

Na época ocorria uma grande guerra civil envolvendo facções comandadas pelos irmãos e opositores ao Imperador Gideão XI. Ela já perdurava dez anos. Gideão XI vinha tentando manter a unidade do Sistema Solar Escorpiano que lhe sobrara desde o fim da guerra com o Consórcio e a assinatura do tratado de paz, o Tratado de São Paulo[1], que desintegrou o Império Interestelar Escorpiano. O imperador preferiu ouvir os sacerdotes que afirmavam chegar a hora da submissão escorpiana ao jugo do conquistador como punição pela queda. Contudo, trinta anos depois ele e sua família viram-se ameaçados por parentes que se converteram aos jarielitas ou opunham-se aos prognósticos dos sacerdotes e à política imperial.

Calebe nasceu em 2341, durante o processo de desintegração imperial e da transformação da monarquia em fantoche do Consórcio Solar. Ele cresceu sendo o filho favorito de sua mãe, mas um desgosto de seu pai por conflitar com os sacerdotes, refutando as interpretações da chegada do Juízo Final deles. Quando rapaz pode viajar, conhecer e estudar em outros mundos como Cinder, Quand, Terra Brasilis, dando passagens por Terra e Marte. Acreditava que poderia reerguer a economia escorpiana explorando as reservas de gravitonite existentes no sistema solar escorpiano e fabricar antimatéria. Buscou aliados entre os opositores antes de eles se voltarem contra a monarquia. Gideão XI ao saber das iniciativas do filho resolve proibi-lo de continuar com o projeto. A proibição de haver estelanaves escorpianas ainda não tinha sido imposta pelo Consórcio, então era possível transportar os combustíveis usados para voos interestelares para vender em outros sistemas. Contudo, o imperador já tinha decidido: “A grande História escorpiana acabou. É momento de acertar as contas com o Senhor de Todas as Galáxias. Ele enviou os novos Acusadores.” Ele mandou trancafiar o filho e executar os opositores líderes do projeto de reerguer a economia escorpiana. Todavia, como último grande ato de um imperador derrotado, deprimido, ele decidiu investir uma última viagem aos planetas do desintegrado império para comportar seus súditos. A guerra civil iniciava-se.

O Consórcio evitou agir por um tempo, conseguindo manter protegidas suas regiões, mas ao ter seus inspetores de armas interestelares barrados em instalações de energia e militares escorpianas, os membros decidiram que era o momento de endurecer as regras do tratado de paz. Os escorpianos foram proibidos do voo interestelar independente. Suas naves estelares foram desmontadas ou destruídas, contudo, a nau imperial permaneceu salva e o imperador resolveu usá-la. Naquele dia, o Consórcio intervia bombardeando cidades do planeta para auxiliar rebeldes que instalariam a República. O imperador decolava da base quando sua nave foi granjeada pelos sensores da nave NAE-天上的戰士 (Tiānshàng de Zhànshì) do recém promovido a Capitão Ender Shin.

Ender Shin reticenciou a atacar a nave imperial. A situação na base tornava-se crítica com a derrota do exército escorpiano aliado ao Consórcio. Ela se localizava em uma cidade ao lado da capital chamada Astrabade em português. Então, a nave do Consórcio recebeu novas ordens de sua capitânia que não podia se colocar na posição sobre a base a tempo. Então, Ender Shin executou o bombardeio com ogivas do tipo Nova. Metade da cidade tinha sido destruída e a família imperial morta, garantindo a vitória dos republicanos escorpianos.

Calebe foi resgatado por seus aliados e preferiu exilar-se, jurando um dia voltar ao planeta para livrar o seu povo da ocupação e fazer justiça à sua família.


Poor Caleb. The biography of the former imperial prince must be complemented. He has been told that he is melancholy about cultural changes, however there is a personal tragedy involving his family. Twenty years ago he had his parents, brothers, wife and children killed during a Consortium attack during the attempt to take off the imperial scallofleet.

At the time there was a great civil war involving factions led by the brothers and opponents of Emperor Gideon XI. Gideon XI had been trying to maintain the unity of the Scorpio Solar System that had remained left to him since the end of the war with the Consortium and the signing of the peace treaty, the Treaty of São[1]Paulo, which disintegrated the Scorpio Interstellar Empire. The emperor preferred to hear the priests who claimed the time came for the Scorpio submission to the conqueror's yoke as punishment for the fall. Thirty years later, however, he and his family were threatened by relatives who converted to the Jarielites  or opposed the priests' prognoses and imperial politics.

Caleb was born in 2361, during the process of imperial disintegration and the transformation of the monarchy into a puppet of the Solar Consortium. He grew up being his mother's favorite son, but a distaste for his father for conflicting with the priests, refuting the interpretations of their doomsday arrival. As a boy you can travel, meet and study in other worlds such as Cinder,  Quand,Terra  Brasilis,giving passages through Earth and Mars. He believed he could rebuild the Scorpio economy by exploiting  the gravitonitis reserves in the Scorpio  solar system and making antimatter. He sought allies among the opponents before they turned against the monarchy. Gideon XI upon learning of the son's initiatives decides to prohibit him from continuing with the project. The ban on scorpio sours  had not yet been imposed by the Consortium, so it was possible to transport the fuels used for interstellar flights to sell in other systems. However, the emperor had already decided: "The great Scorpio story is over. It's time to settle the score with the Lord of All Galaxies. He sent the new Accusers." He had his son locked up and executed the leading opponents of the project to rebuild the Scorpio economy. However, as the last great act of a defeated, depressed emperor, he decided to invest one last trip to the planets of the disintegrated empire to behave his subjects. The civil war was beginning.

The Consortium avoided acting for a while, managing to keep its regions protected, but by having its interstellar weapons inspectors barred from energy facilities and scorpio military, members decided it was time to toughen the rules of the peace treaty. Scorpio were banned from independent interstellar flight. Their starships were dismantled or destroyed, however, the imperial ship remained safe and the emperor decided to use it. That day, the Consortium intervened by bombing cities around the world to assist rebels who would install the Republic. The emperor was decolava of the base when his ship天上的戰士 was hailed by the sensors of the ship NAE-(Tiānshàng of  Zhànshì)of the newly promoted to Captain  Ender  Shin. 

Ender Shin  reticentto attack the imperial ship. The situation at the base became critical with the defeat of the Scorpio army allied to the Consortium. It was located in a town next to the capital called  Astrabade  in Portuguese. So the Consortium ship received new orders from its flagship that it could not put itself in position on the base in time. So  Ender  Shin carried out the bombing with New Type warheads. Half the city had been destroyed and the imperial family killed, securing the victory of the Scorpio Republicans.

Caleb was rescued by his allies and preferred to go into exile, vowing one day to return to the planet to rid his people of the occupation and do justice to his family.


[1] It was signed in the city of São Paulo

[1] Foi assinado na cidade de São Paulo

quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2020

General Description of the Comic Book Series


Date: 22. 04. 2017

 Poliana Gabriela Santim

Star Mission

General Description of the Comic Book Series


The magazine chronicles the voyages of the interstellar ship Earth Horizons under the command of Captain Ender  W  Shin who  is in the service of a political and technoscientific and military interplanetary  alliance created after two conflicts, one with the Scorpio and the other against the Zark Empire, during the first human advance to the stars. The ship remains based on a station around the imploded Alpha Centaur star for the construction of the first passable artificial black hole connected to the solar system. She patrols the sector, visits planets, performs operations against pirates, conducts scientific expeditions in international cooperation, helps build new portals, on diplomatic and first contact trips.

The stories address current issues involving the technoscientific and  cultural/ideological/religious imperialism of the West, in addition to environmental and social issues related to the uncontrolled consumption of natural and economic resources. The narratives will be in the form of space operas in the language of comics. So in order to build the elements I will use analogies. The galaxy as the world and every planet a country, for example. The characters are ambiguous. Seeking to explore and resolve conflicts in an age that humanity has faced with powerful adversaries, Horizontes imposes itself in favor of it. Within the fictional and fantastic universe, in a cold war-like context with arms racing, space and alliance games, there are four technical cultures that form a coalition called the Interstellar League established against the rise of a Galactic Empire. I will try to explore anthropological concepts and cultural theories. Relativism, for example.         The first groups of important characters are humans, Scorpio,  Quandians   and Cinderians, who live in solar systems close to each other, have their owncultures, affinities and differences. Each group developed its means of access to interstellar space in different times, contexts, and motives. In common, the economy. Their governments are classified as Republics, Democracies and Monarchies considering the various internal variations of political organization.

            I chose to follow some concepts to establish a structure of literary narrative. The stories operate according to allegorical, metaphorical and metonymic functions. Thus, the Milky Way galaxy is metonymy of the Earth, the human expansion through the metaphoral space of imperialism and the extraterrestrial allegory worlds of submissive countries.

            The search for the exotic, the opening of new markets, the search for natural resources to apply in innovations, colonization, or better invasion by the West, wars abroad, emergence of new types of monopolies and technologies such as the automobile and the aeroplane are striking aspects of European imperialism in the second half of the nineteenth century to the two world wars in the XX. , Adobe, Google, which implement an imperialism without politics, nationalisms and that dominates to the imperial center. It promises a deterritorialized freedom in which the state seems powerless and whose absence is greatly felt and desired. It means the promise of a single, planetary and diverse state.

            In the comics, I chose to adopt as a metaphorical representation of this desire of a State the ideas of an alliance for the exploration and colonization of space in the form of the Space Exploration Consortium composed of associated countries. Its administrative headquarters are in Geneva, while its parliament is located in Rio de Janeiro. It is up to this organization to coordinate prospecting, colonization and cosmic exploration, in addition to relations with stellar technical cultures by member countries. Note that they have not been extinguished, but traditional Nation States coexist with relative ly diminishing their sovereign powers, which have been redistributed and a portion of them handed over to it. This presents an allegory of political liberalism in a world whose globalization is consolidated and space presents itself as the last frontier.

            The development of hyperspace technology by the Consortium required the search for new energy sources, the improvement of the exploitation of current ones and the construction of an infrastructure that allows the establishment of safe physical interactions such as interstellar travel and the rapid supply of standaplants. The first hyperpaths appear,a kind of "highways" designed to connect large distances using black holes of different categories. Building these cosmic "roads" has generated major environmental and social impacts on crops whose secondary suns are used to generate a gravitational singularity stable to transit between the two ends of them. Human builders claim they are "progress coming through hyperspace." Traditional cultures  see them as star breakers who set boundaries that totally change their lives. Often they are displaced to another planet because the natives are destroyed by stellar implosion, using the same statement. "It's progress."

            In this context, I add the concept of mission according to the secular and religious senses, but here before I focus on the first. This is the old ethnocentric idea of "civilizing, bringing civilization, to the late peoples." I also chose to use the concept of humanity meaning ethnicity, avoiding the conventional definition of biological species, or because it has different morphological aspects that is given to groups of extraterrestrial characters who develop technical cultures. It influenced anthropology and cultural history to that.

            As humans advance occupying and exploring stars and their planets, they are contaminating the natives with solar diseases and contaminated with solar xeno.  Nevertheless, the Consortium, concerned about the health of its population traveling among the stars, sends expeditions with medical scientists, exobiologists  and anthropologists to know and catalog the epidemiological agents and native populations of exoplanets of human interest. Metaphor of imperialism which reminds us that Europeans, Americans and currently Chinese carry out projects for themselves.

            The fight against smallpox protected Europeans who invaded the lands of tropical areas. Africa, America and Asia were territories mapped and divided among the powers. In the second half of the 19th century they began to be physically connected to each other more and more rapidly. I recall the railways and highways whose passages can only occur if the inhabitant groups leave their places of origin and there is safety to the builders. Gun safety and the application of vaccines to the natives.

            By transpose this into speculative literature each group means a planet with its diversity. The desire for the exotic as expressed by Europeans and Americans through the major international fairs can also be transposed, using the idea of interstellar exhibitions.


Earth and its Solar Consortium

Humans live for almost the entire solar system being the planets Earth, Mars, Venus and the Satellites Selênia, Titan and Europe more populous. On Earth, sixteen billion people live. A decentralized system is in place involving democratic and parliamentary republics with a division of powers that take care of local issues and a large assembly with a Secretary-General elected to take care of interstellar relations called the Solar Consortium, which also leads the so-called Interstellar League in a ten-year relay cycle. Within it, there are political, economic and social groups that fight for hegemony and power during the expansion of extrasolar  human activities. Star breakers and  gate builders plan to connect the entire galaxy by hyperspace  highways. Its design directly affects foreign cultures  whose space of their systems are distorted and the suns imploded. There are also the movements that emerged during the establishments of communication with extraterrestrials opposed to these relations. Thus, internal conflicts involving xenophobia occur, especially with the Scorpio, followers of  Alimianism,who had their world devastated by the forces of the Consortium.


Planet Scorpiae and the  Scorpio

The Scorpio had an absolute planetary monarchy based on their own religious system which was overthrown by the action of humans interested in using one of their suns to build a passable black hole. Subordinated to it and independent from human occupation through the Solar Consortium, there are hundreds of theocratic monarchies and local assemblies, according to a rigid system of seasons that prevents social mobility and forces the native to perform the same functions of their parents. The laws are established according to the sacred texts of the dominant religion, which also regulate relations with extraplanetary cultures and species. They are a warrior species attached to the maintenance of their traditions and to the Alimianist Religion,predecessor of Universalism. They were clients of the so-called  Zark  Empire until the emergence of the new religious ideology. Zark's bellicose  actions caused several waves of Scorpio dispersal across the galaxy. They occupied the Fourth Planet of the  Scorpio  1-A System.


The Quand World  and the  Quadians[1]

The Quandianos  forming the oldest culture in the sector have gone from an elective and parliamentary monarchy to an almost absolute technocracy that works through a technical assembly and a large network connecting various computer, communication and machinery systems to manage the planet with reduced interference from the natives, even controlling procreation. They were once great navigators, maintaining dominance of a quarter of the galaxy until the beginning of the demographic crisis, conflicts with new powers such as Zark,the Scorpio and the suitors of the Earth. Biologically, they are a sexual species, but culturally they are asexual, with a single genus and dependent on artificial fertilization and cybernetic uteruses. Since the predominance of an industrial and individualistic society, where competition and professional competition were worth, Quanian women gradually began to give up reproduction, which led the State to seek to technologically solve the problem of generational continuity.

Over thousands of years sex has become taboo and few traces remain of the period. Only the remaining members of the last imperial dynasty can maintain sexual relations with each other, procreating in a natural way. No one can have contact with her because it is considered impure because of sex. In the past, kings and queens have been major opponents of the program of state conceptions by religious convictions, coming to be repudiated by society that over the centuries ritualizes the monarchical position denying physical communication with them. Despite this, princesses continue to serve as matrices for the construction and maintenance of  cyber-wombs and thus signify the taboo of sexuality through rituals. However, no foreigner can get permission to an audience with the monarchs and/or their nobles of the isolated court, who live surrounded and cared for by robots and androids inside the planet. This causes difficulties and embarrassments in interstellar relationships, where most cultures are sexual polyses.

Morphologically, Quand  is a system composed of a central planet with artificial union from its equator to the axes of rotation other two planets. With this connection  two large opposing towers were built diametrically cutting through the center of the mother planet to form a network of super trains  that lead people from one body to another. The atmospheres are shared with each other and form a thin layer of wrapped gases. There's a frozen ocean most of the time on the central planet. Its continents accommodate the metropolises and the population, most of which live underground, including in satellites. The main and current concern beyond the demographic is the conservation of the knowledge acquired about the galaxy in the quantum libraries, which has records of many worlds and cultures extinct for over a million years.


Planet Cinder  and the Confederation of Associated Moons of  Cinder

The Cinderians  live on the moons and orbital seasons of their ring-filled gas giant. The excess iron gave them the reddish tone to the skin. Their sun is in the final stages of evolution which forces them to move away from the outer planets. They are merchants, shipowners, skilled builders and financiers, who synchronously with Earth and Scorpiae competed  in the advance to interstellar space. They sent expeditions before humans went into space to the Magellanic Cloud, but the demographic reduction caused them to discontinue and seek partners from the companies. They operate a large fleet of freighters, collecting ships and mining companies.

Cinder is a federation of several satellites of the gas giant called the Confederation of Associated Moons of  Cinder. Thus, there are deliberative assemblies in each of its natural satellites and a general one with a Prime Minister whose concern is the maintenance of the organization of the planetary structure, interstellar trade, diplomacy and security. Society has a liberal government, which now alternates between interventionists and centralists in control of the State Parliament.


The Iruans  or  Iruanos

           In the binary system Eris  there are two planets where their societies have established a complex network of social and cultural relations represented in the form of symbols and practices such as trade, which is regulated by non-material values. The planets Yvi B and Yvi  A are occupied by iruan culture. The worlds are divided and controlled by two clans, one of matriarchal lineage and the other patriarchal. The first  who lives  in  Yvi A has a subsistence economy, is self-sufficient in almost everything except in jumping technology that has never been developed. They trade with Ivy B only symbolically. There are no monetary relationships, although many seek to resolve material deficiencies for him and thus show appreciation to Ivy B. For both worlds life is regulated by the two suns,  Nhamandu   and Kuaray  Iru,the Greater Sun and his companion, both venerated as symbols that generate light, heat and life. There's a homoaffective marriage ritual that represents that. It prevails in the marriages  of Yvi  A  the polysexuality where a  woman sits with several men to have children with different characteristics. In  Yvi  B monogamy prevails and children are encouraged to compete for women and accumulate material and immaterial goods. With each eclipse of the suns both send spaceships to trade, exchange and negotiate marriages.  Yvi  B has jump technology and negotiates accession to the Interstellar League and commercial opening.


The Zark Empire

Zark is a multicultural stellar empire ruled by a customary monarchy of patriarchal lineage. The Emperor is sovereign by divine right. It is the so-called temporal ruler. He shares power with religious leader, the Father of the Universal Church. With the help of religious orders called Companies conquer planets. When domination by faith is not possible, the Armada is used composed of central government fleets, provinces, kingdoms and client planets. Zark's capital  world  is unknown. Its capital is regularly transferred to facilitate administration.


Ideologies or Religions of the Scorpio and the Zark Empire:


1-The Alimianism


The belief of one God. Monotheistic religion. It is believed that the Creator chose the Scorpio to serve as emissaries and executors of the divine orders. They believe that they had in the past a humanoide body with aspects of scorpion: tweezers and stingthat tormented the species of other worlds. The first Patriarch Alimia  structured the history and laws of society into a cosmic diagram: the scriptures. Accused of murdering creator Yeshua's son were expelled and cursed, losing divine aspects. (This last sentence represents the moment of rupture with traditionalism, perhaps influenced by foreign cultures that brought messianism.) In the diagrams there are moral codes, criminal codes and ways of organizing society. An example is the prohibition of marriages and interspecies relationships, because sex serves procreation and there are no descendants in them. Marriage beyond sacred is a form of alliance and business relationship. The husband must pay tithing annually to the father of the wife who divides him and passes part of it on to her and another to the church.


1.1 The Mythical Origin of Scorpio[2]


Scorpio culture is about two hundred million years old, according to scientists in the Solar Consortium, but religious leaders of Alimianism  consider it as old as the universe.

It says the first book written by Alymia  that the Scorpio were part of the Defense of Creation Army founded during the wave of scattering of light from God. As soon as the first species began to dominate their planets, the Creator made a cross-section of the universe and sent them. Undone access to hyperspace, the Scorpio began to travel through the galaxy in order to inform their population, observe it, implement divine legislation and perform punishments against those who did not follow it after knowing it.

They had acquired all the properties inherent in the universe that their bodies allowed. Humanoid-looking with scorpion aspects. Claws and tweezers instead of feet and hands. A heavetail with a sting at the end capable of tormenting, wounding and killing. The terror of the people.

The leader of this army was called Luzir, the first of the generals, created from the first wave of creation. He was the highest in the hierarchy and subordinated directly to the Creator, "Lord of all galaxies." He listened to Him, watched in the manipulation of the universe from hyperspace, supervised the troops, thought about the strategies and relayed the orders. He chose the planet in order to host the divine soldiers.

That selected planet was from one system close to another with an aggressive culture that advanced invaining other distant worlds thanks to the mastery of knowledge of hyperspace access and navigation. She already knew how to make, move, disassemble, reassemble and reconfigure entire planets, so Luzir called them "Planet Builders." God commanded the army to destroy them, for  this species refused to worship the Creator and had forbidden ambitions. Civilization formed a very diverse empire with the Arienians,humans,  Cinderians,  Quandians, Kenyans, and dozens of other peoples who gathered to conquer the quelonianos universe. Under  Luzir's command,these abominable giants were destroyed, but because of the noble general's piety, the accusers did not comply with all order. He saved the survivors and sent them to other planets.

God lowered his first general and sent him on planet patrol. Accuser Jariel  was an impetuous leader. He had already condemned a thousand planets to extinction. When visiting the world of humans orbiting a small star, the beginning of the discord occurred. This species practiced many wars, did not tolerate its fellowmen from other regions, and undermined the divine commandment to procreate, having sex between equals and with other species. After orbiting it, recognizing the planet and visiting villages from which the population refused to receive them, the leader sent his legion to destroy it. The former general disagreed. He had allies in his favor. So is the other commander. In orbit the stines of Luzir  and Jariel  faced each other. On the surface, the visited localities became the basis for battle. Soon, the soldiers of both parties realized the impossibility of victory without the annihilation of the universe.

Then God intervened by making a cross-section of the universe and withdrew the leiais soldiers to divine orders. Luzir's supporters  remained in it. They had been condemned to live like the mortals who watched and punished. This was the fall, according to the texts of  alimianism  of the 1st  Cinclo  and the Scorpio oral tradition.





Monotheistic belief with polytheistic aspects, that is, some people can be promoted to Saints, intermediaries. They believe that a Messiah, son of God, named Yeshua was sent to save the galaxy. For a long time they lived hidden in the pipelines of space stations and rocky subsoils of planets, moons and asteroids. Then zark's monarchy  ofthe religion ofthe city and thanks to this it expanded like the empire. Its leader is the second emperor, considered father of the galaxy and elected to spiritual rule only.  It is considered a branch of Alimianism and   Alimia the first prophet patriarch of the nation of  Accusers. Use some of your scriptures.

Religion, Politics and State interrelate. The provinces are called dioceses accompanied by their subdivisions. The governors called cardinals and bishops. His actions of conquest to the sites credited as sacred and occupied by diverse cultures such as the Scorpio are called stellar crusades. Hegemonic power is divided between Scorpio, Arienians  and humans.



1. Captain Ender  W  Shin:


Born in a rural village on Earth, where his family grew cereals such as soybeans and rice. As soon as he turned 18 he enlisted in the space force to escape agricultural work. Influenced by his mentor at the academy, Professor Michio  Akira, a hyperspace physicist, became interested in interstellar flights through the experimental jump at that time. After his training he served in research and diplomatic ships.  Ender  convinced the Quanian government after the conflicts with Scorpio to a partnership that involved star expeditions with Quanian ships and the construction of the quandiano  "bridge" linking the Solar System to Alpha Centauro. He participated in the first conflicts against  Zark. He was concerned with studies on interstellar jumping problems and hyperspace navigation, thus helping to improve the multidimensional coordinate marking system. He was given the command of VAH/FMA-01 Horizontes, which is assigned to  the Interstellar League for anti-piracy patrols, scientific, diplomatic expeditions and assistance in the expansion of the hyperspace network. Without children, wife or husband, he lives alone, excepting in moments of contact with his subordinates most of the time. He is one hundred and fifteen years old with a younger appearance because of the relativistic effects. He likes literature being in  love with The Odisiac and   The Lusíadas. He's a diplomatic man. Enjoys wine and meetings with few people. Currently, it is also immersed in the debates on environmental and cultural impacts caused by the construction of the new Einstein-Rosenbridges and in the first contacts with [3]other extrasolar  cultures  in order to establish relations of exchanges, trade, increase the number of allies and reduce the influence of the  Zark Empire..


2. Commander Alan Thirty


           He's the First Mate of horizons, son of a former master officer mentor of  Ender  Shin. Always privileged by his father's position, Alan quickly ascended into the Armada.  He learned to cultivate extreme  terrationalism from his youth until he became involved in political[4] activism against the presence of foreigners within the worlds of the Consortium and the presence of other species with technical cultures on Earth. He likes football being a fan of Mount Olympus of Mars. He has a passion for history and archaeology which have been discouraged by the family to the detriment of military training. Thanks to this, he became friends with historian, archaeologist and  xeno-anthropologistElizabeth  Tânis. For a while  the girl was her obsession and therefore forced to walk away. Today, in different fields and positions, they occasionally dialogue. He's bold, brave and sometimes impulsive. Disciplined, faithfully follows the regulations, but he distinguishes the treatment given to humans and foreigners. From a traditional Catholic family, he is a conservative man and opposed to the influences of Alimianism  practiced in the Solar System since the beginning of Scorpio immigration, however expansionism has encouraged him to tolerate since they are allies. At the age of thirty he is married to a Martian named Danielen  and the father of a daughter who was born during his stay at Horizons. Alan spends most of his time in space as well as other steroauts which makes it difficult to watch his daughter grow and a relationship with his wife thinking about divorce and return to live permanently in Mare where a separatist movement has been emerging.


3. Lieutenant Commander Marcos Ambrose Tetra


           Marcos Ambrose Tetra is the chief engineer officer of the Horizons spacecraft. He coordinates her maintenance and upgrade activities. He specializes in bussard jet propulsion system and antimatter-fired hyperspace   reactors. He was born in a peasant village in southern Germany where he learned to repair agricultural machinery for his neighbors and fly small aircraft such as old cars and airplanes. He studied  stelenautical  engineering and as an engineer became an officer of the Space Armada linked to the Space Exploration Consortium. She's fifty-eight, 30 of her. It's sisudo. He likes to have control over subordinates. It can design and build varied equipment in a short time.


4. Lieutenant Commander Elizandro  Manuel Pontes


           Pilot or helmsman of the ship Horizontes born in Brazil. He also performs the same functions in  planesing missions with service ships. Before joining, he played professionally for Mount Olympus, which competes in the first division of the Martian Championship and the Zeus Cup, but his fortune dissipated by his ostentation with women, parties, paternity proceedings, drugs and smuggling which caused him to be expelled from football. He then began to fly freighters on the Sol-Próxima Centauri route until he joined the Consortium Armada. She  studied space and specialized in the study of the Zark  Navy  emphasizing    the supercruisers  and her attack probes.


5. Lieutenant Commander Carla Janaina Rodrigues


           Carla spent her childhood and adolescence almost entirely accompanying her parents on interstellar expeditions focused on exobiology  and medicine. They were responsible for cataloguing and defining treatments for various extraterrestrial diseases that infected humans. Supported by the Consortium concerned with human contamination by [5]extrasolar epidemics, they employed a longexpedition through the galaxy so that the daughter was able to know many cultures always within the human centrism. [6]Recently formed, after the first Martian separatist uprising, Dr. Rodrigues joined the stine  medical division of the Armada. In it, he developed an interest in bioengineering and cybernetics, managing to create and improve in a few years varied bionic prostheses. He became part of the Crew of Horizontes during the military eviction of the Consortium in  Scorpiae..

She's the ship's medical officer and exobiologist. Their tasks are aimed at saving the lives of diverse species. She acts at the same time as a researcher. Sensitive, occasionally emotional, observant and attentive to people close to, has its rationality is intertwined with emotions. She has a teenage son living with her grandparents since she is divorced and her father is in another system as well.

The doctor was already involved in a conflict with native Scorpio when she took care of the case of a child whose disease was incurable by local medicine. Neglecting the religious traditions of Alimianism  and the rules of local priest leaders that prohibit accepting medical care from foreigners, in these human cases, Carla saved the patient. This earned him conflicts in Horizons with  Ender  Shin   and Thirty,but they disregarded a court martial and forgave her.


6th Ten-Cmdt. Gilead

He's the horizons security officer. He is a Scorpio and was rescued by officers of the Consortium Navy in the last great civil war of twenty-five years ago. His family is reluctant to take him back, as he chose to serve in the Armada.


8. Dr. Elisabete Tanis

Xeno-anthropologist focused on the research of interstellar civilizations and  pre-jump critical  to the Consortium. It uses approaches as participant observation to structuralism.  She's a lesbian.


9. Patriarch Eliade.


For fifty years Patriarch Eliade has been bridging the gap between the Scorpio and the occupying forces. He is one of the leading priests of the Alimianist Religion..  They received them in the temple and lived with them ensuring that the people obeyed the established laws of the outside, such as the disintegration of central imperial unity and the maintenance of religious services according to tradition. He became a friend and a guide of Scorpio culture to  Ender  Shin during the period of service on the planet. Eliade leads the assembly of the "Priests of Light" that legislates and regulates the life of the population. He is a scholar of the Tribe of  Lumites  and a member of the Judges' clan. His position within the tribe that administers the functions of the temple enabled him the privilege of the "ecclesiastical passport" to travel to any planetary system without relying on the tribal delegations led by an imperial agent before the fall of the monarchy and at the time a foreign commercial chosen by the Solar Consortium and the Confederation of Associated Moons of Cinder. He is a scholar in philosophy and theology, being the author of "The Age of Atonement: perspectives for the consummation of the universe and the return to the Creator."

8. General Caleb Altair Kalar


           Caleb Altair Caleb etho has been the prince of the last dynasty of the Scorpio empire for fifty years. He has led the Warrior clan since the emperor's deposition and condemnation. He went into quand during the five decades of occupation until returning to  Scorpiae. It recognizes the authority of the Interstellar League's occupying forces from Eliade's intermediation, but puts itself in a position opposed to it.  Kalar  coordinates planetary resistance against the human military presence and the influence of the Solar Consortium. He advocates a traditional  current of  Alimianism  that divides society into steps analogous to working classes and linked to the hereditary origin of the male leader of the family. He blames humans for the current conditions of his world and the fall of the monarchy. He's been trying to get allies and finance the resistance.

Caleb is a melancholy Scorpio, because his society has changed and he cannot accept it. He lost his family whose parents were convicted and executed by the League. From them he learned to follow Alimianism  whose religious idea says that Scorpio descend from the angels expelled from paradise. He lives this belief and wants the native population to return to traditional ways of life according to the sacred texts. He is one of Eliade's former students being profoundly knowledgeable and influenced by the works of theology and philosophy dealing with resignation and the hope of refinding God who will re-establish the Scorpio as the promoters of the universe. Interpreting religious narratives in his own way, Caleb believes he has found a way to anticipate the encounter in order to re-establish the powers of accusing angels, regroup the Creative Protection Army, and cast them against the galaxy's infidels, focusing at first against the humans occupying Scorpiae  and the Interstellar League supporting the occupation. Caleb wants to restore pre-occupation society, recognizes the suffering of his people and performs extreme actions so until the moment he is allied with  Zark..

He found in the Zark Empire a potential ally due to cultural connections such as "universalism" being the recast ideology and religion of Alimianism according to the belief and narrative of a dead and resurrected galactic messiah. He was converted and became a New  Yeshuan  after an attack coordinated by his resistance against the Sirius Treaty convention held at  Quand. Serving the empire, he assisted in the process of expansion invading planets with pre-industrial technical cultures and in the implementation of new technologies based on  quandian knowledge of the time studied in that world. His achievements secured him the concession by the Supreme Priest of the Universe (the Pope) of planetary systems in the Gibraltar sector and the recognition of the divine right to rule Scorpiae  and promote the yeshuanization  of the peoples of the Sírius Sector..  Kalar  is a good strategist both in the military, political and religious fields. He is resolute and impassive, so he seeks advice from priest  Lariel. This summarizes some features of the character.


Solar Consortium spacecraft


1. Hyperspace Access Vehicle - Antimatter Jet Rocket (VAH-FJMA) 01 - Horizons


The first class of stofae built for the Solar System Space Exploration Consortium (CEESS). It is sectioned into three functional parts. It has a mixed propulsion system. Four Bussard-type jet thrusters  propel the nearly nine hundred-meter-long interstellar spacecraft, reaching 99 percent of the speed of light. An  antimatter-driven supernova  reactor generates the negative energy needed for interstellar jumping after a 12-hour cosmic ride. Designed to be self-sufficient, the ship uses four collectors to collect from hydrogen sources to small meteorites that are stored for consumption and then become high-speed ejected plasma by the nacelles. Three modules make up the spacecraft. The first analogue to the design of a submarine has the bridge of command, lodgings, laboratories and four hangars with lateral and ventable accesses. There are four sinks and ten multifunctional silos. In the second, there are four berths with  compartible mooring  rings with several ships and stations, auxiliary thrusters and the engineering control room. In the third,  the supernova reactor,the antimatter storage rings and internal deuterium/tritium tanks. In it, there are the four equidistant arranged wings, forming a cross, at whose ends there are the jet thrusters and the first fuel tanks. Dissipation cannons placed on bussard  collectors  remove electrically charged atoms and other obstacles during flights. Two hundred and forty crew members divided for work in three eight-hour shifts. The Interstellar League classifies the class of this spacecraft as Project-01.



[1]     The goal is over time to work with the idea of culture overcoming biological evolution and making disappear the demarcation lines between the sexes and genders by applying the tecnca.

[2]     It's the first tale about Alimianism. The story of the fall.

[3]     Black holes passable here of the Shwarzschild type with a horizon of events that must be circled.

[4]     Analogous to the nationalism of the extreme right.

[5]     In the 19th century, Europeans researched treatments for tropical diseases to protect themselves in Latin America, Africa and Asia, according to E. J. Hobsbawm in The Age of Capital And The Age of Empires.

[6]     Analogous to ethnocentrism.

Star Mission: Colony

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 Acess here the portuguese version of the story



The  anteriores text  below is the original versão  version with linguistic  and   spelling corrections,whichcontinued  the  previous ones  until I  decided to  make  a  new  narrative  for the  comic correções    format..  I  called  the  work in 2003  Missão  Of Star  Mission  3:  Space   Travelers..  Digitalized the  manuscripts  and  redid  the  illustrations  according  to  those  in  the  notebook..  I  changed the  subtitle   to Cologne  and  today  in  the script of HQ  I  decided to call  planeta  brasa. Only  the  original  illustrations  will be used  here..  I used  some  to  start  the story in the magazine,  butas I  advanced  in  the script  I  started  to  prepare  newones,    since  it is  unpublished.. 

The original  story  begins  with  a  communication between Gen. Kalar  and the Captain of a space  freighter  in  the service  of  the  Interstellar League..  In  a  sentence  that  initiates   the narrative,I  contextualize  the  situation.  governo   Zark's government had  imposed    a blockade  on  the  trade  routes used by  the  space  alliance..  No  ship would cross him. The  Captain protests in  a  dialogue  at  the beginning  of  the  story..  The  idea  of  blocking  is  a    Star  Wars influence. Quase a  year  before  I saw The Phantom  Menace,but  had  not  understood it Ameaça  right. The  action  entertainedme. Another  influence  was  Star Trek, hence  the  design  of  the  uniforms. The  shape  of the Pandora II spacecraft is     Espaço a  slight  reference  to  Jupiter  II from  the  1999 film Lost in Space..  I  didn't    know  the TV show  yet. There  are no  robot  characters..  I  wanted to  avoid,  because  as it  occurred I would reproduce  known  models. Includes  images of  manuscripts  for  comparação  comparison  and  standing  notes  with  evoked  memories..



Somewhere far  from  our  galaxy  a    long,    long  time  ago. After  the  discovery  of  the  alien  colony,  Emperor  Zork  embargoed the trade   route  to  Derlans   and  an  Interstellar  League mission attacked.

-Gen. Kalar,  you  know  o  the Empire    can't  snare  Interstellar League  ships.. "

-   Who  said  that? Gen.    Gen asked. "

-   The Alliance  Council won't    like   it.. "

-     And who  needs  to  know? We  do  not inform  you  that we  attack  Empires1. -The video communication was interrupted ”.- We  will  not tolerate  any  stellar  mission. 

Derlanian surface

After colônias     the  guerra  war  the  Derlanian cities developed and  the  proclaimed  Republic  came  to  control  all  interplanetary colonies  and  adopted an  economy    based  on  capitalism. Trade  has  guaranteed them  presence  on  several  planets.

A transport  with Ender Shin and Thirty flies over  the  city..

-"Giamm. "

-"It's been a long time since You've visited this planet. "

-"After the war I never came back. When the war was over and the force field shut down, I was ordered to begin exploration of the galaxy's planets. It was surprising. The project had been under development for twenty years, but only made possible by a Quandian ships." 

-"The city has changed! "

-"Yes, but this was only possible because of the new policy adopted by the government. "

-"What about traffic? "

-"Today is less intense than the other days. We've got a problem with that! "

The transport  began  the approach with  the building  of  The League2  auxiliado  by  autopilot .

An attaché  from Admiral Hans  recebeureceivedthem and  ledthemto  the boardroom.. 

-  "CaptainCapitão  Ender W Shin how  nice  tosee you! "

-  "It's    been a  long time since  não  we've  seen each  other.. "

-  "In  our  time the  light  barrier took  a long time to  break.   "

-   "Buttoday  that  changed.   Commander,  eu  I'm  sorry  about  what  happened  months  ago..  We'll  punish Zork3  for  that..  Anyway,  Icalledthem for  another  matter.. "

Exército  Admiral Hans led the two  men   dois  to  the  meeting room,  where  the    Army General and the President of  the Public Rwere present..

-    "Commander Ender Shin  this  is  Órin  Gárin,  President  of  the  Stellar Republic and the General of the Army  Chôni  Tachinc. "

-  It's  a pleasure  tomeetyou. -  Answered  Ender  Shin. "

-  Commanderknow  that the General was  ambassador  to  Quand  4 for  twenty  vinte  years.. "

-  "Very  well. The  reason we're  here  today is    this:  seguinte Two days  ago  Gen. Kalar  at  the       behest of Zork   has closed all trade routes and  is attacking  the naves that break the    barriers..   "  - Said the  President.

-   "Information  reveals  that  two  freighters  were  attacked  and a Mission  league  suffered  sofreu  serious  damage. "-  Continued  the  General.

-  "Zork  will  not  stop  until  he gets what  hewants: the unification  of  the  entire  galaxy. Therefore,  isso  we  are sending you  on  a mission    of exploration and  attempt  to  contact  the  Endorians5, a  developing  people    on the other  side  of   the  galactic exploration.. "

-But Endoria    is  a  planet  of barbarians  who  are  fighting over possession of land  and  formando  forming  their kingdoms,  which   will become  countries later." - Said Ender Shin. 

               -  "What's up? Do you  accept the mission?? "

                -  Whatd oes  Endoria  have  to  do  with  Zork?? "

-  The barbarian  Emperor  has already  contacted  them  and  thinks  they  are  gods..  são He  will  use  all  his    strength  to containthe   planet. It's    just  part  of  Zork's plan.. "

-  "I  accept  the  mission.. "

-  "So  after  that  meeting  she  starts.. "   

Derlanian orbit

The Empires ship6 was  not  available,  isso  so  the  alliance decided  to  use a medium-sized   acrossing atravessia  ship. A Pandora II, a powership  pulled it from the station  to    the distance it  could  use  its  own  engines..

-"Control. "  -  Called  Ender  Shin.

-"Here's the  control. Pandora II  has permission to  depart. Have a  nice trip!"!”

-  "Thankyou,  control! "

-" Ignition at 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1. - I was counting the on-board computer. "

-  "Gibrrrrrrr! "

-  "Engage  thrusters.. "

-  "Giammmm!! "

-  Hyperdrive to the    max.. "  -  Reported  the  Cmdt. Thirty, thirty.

-Giamm, giamm.! "

-"Reaching speed  of  light and  entering  speed  of stellar displacement."

The Orion-class crossing  ship  had  been designed  by  the    old  Republic  with the help  of  the allies and  can  carry  65 crew members  and  plays  a  speed of 200  points.

Capt. Shin passed the  coordinates    and the  navigation  officer  marked  the   course  to  Endoria.


On the other side  of the  center  of the  galaxy

Emperor   Zork    first  left      his  capital  in  Arien  to comatothe star  mission.. 7  An  veículo   Imperador Eagle tipo  Star auxiliary vehicle  took  Emperor Zork from  the  center  of  the  galaxy  aboard    baseship8,which would depart  the Endorium  in  order to conquer  the  partiria barbarians. It  was the  most battleship   ever    built. He served as  a  fleet  leader. The shuttle with the   a Emperor  slowed down  and    made  contact  with the  control that guided her to  align  with one of the  hangars..

- "We're aligning ourselves, hangar two, Platform one."

The Emperor  was  unaware of  the  Derlanian mission.

III - Pandora II Ship

-Commander,  we've    just  moved  into    common  space..

-That's right,  Mr.  Thirty. Is  there  anything  else?? "

-"Oh,  yes. "

The hologram  is  activated..

-Captain, look  at  this..  Endoria  is the fourth  planet of the  Iridiano System  and  does  not have a  good  support..  Iridian  is  a  system  of double stars  and ten planets..  Itis considered that  life    can  develop  under    appropriate conditions  from  the  quintandsixth  planets..  Endoria  has  an  atmosphere  with  many  clouds  and  temperatures  reach  400°C."

-"That... it's  unbelievable!! "

-"Yes, i'm sorry. The  stars  are  classified  as  giants..  The   endocranial  atmosphere    consistsof carbon  carbono dioxide, nittrogen, hydrogen  hidrogênio  and  oxygen very    hot. The System  islocatedat   the  end  of  the great nebula  near   the Alcan  cloud. "

Thirty   interrupted,  suddenly::

-"Damnit!! "

-  "AnyAlgum  problems,  Mr.  Thirty? "

-  "WeTemos  have  a squad  of 30  destroyers  coming  our  way  and  even  mesmo  course.. "

-  "Do  we have  a  way to  go  hyperspace?? "

-   They'd detect us. We can change  our  course,but their radar  will  captain us. The  displacement  through  hyperspace will take  us  directly  to  Endoria,,  but  we  can  hit  one  of  its  moons or    a of the asterids of  the barrier." 

-  " Officers,  triggerable  displacement  city. "

-  "Giiibrrrrrrr... Brrrrrr... "

Pandora II accelerated to  the  speed  of  light and  opened the displacement  portal..

The surveillance and target radars   vigilância  of  one of the 9 destroyerscaptained  the  moment  of   transition to  hyperspace.. 

-  Their radar has detected our    displacement.. "  -Reported  Thirty.

-    Theywould  find  us    no  matter  how.. " -  Answered  Ender.

-  "If  we get  to  Endoria... "  -  Thought out loud  Thity..

-  We'll kill  Zork!!  "-  Completed  the  pilot  Mr.  Tetra.

-    "If    necessary,but  this   I    leave  to  a  background . "-Answered Ender.

Base ship: Main  squadron  maneuvers

-   General,one of  our destroyers has detected a    mass   displacement..  Can  you  confirm your  entityid? A  ship? "

-   "We  do  not know  what caused  this  displacement  Your    Imperial Majority, but, yes, it  is likely   that  it  was  a  ship perhaps off-route  or...   "

-  The  Derlanians??  Do  we have ships in  hyperspace?? "

-  We've  had  some  problems and  we  can't  send  any  ships  into hyperspace..   "

-  Iknow  two  freighters  and  a  League ship  broke the    barrier..

Two freighters and   a  nothing-of-the-League ship!"

-   Wecan  destroy  these ships only  with the help  of  a  fighter, Your  Majesty. 

The Zork imperor I did not  like  the  way  to  conduct  operations . The  last  orders  such  as to  retain the  fleet  in  common    space have  left  His  Majesty in a way that has been contradicted.. 

At that moment,   a  bridge  officer  contacted  the General communicating that an tipo  Orion-like ship  had movedouor orbited  órbita  in  Endoria..  He  ordered  the  sending   of  small ships to intercepther.

Search ships   elas     were  also  launched  from  the space  shuttles    to  find   Pandora II, but theyfailed, as when they  approached  aproximaram and entered    orbit  their  shields and engines  began  to  fail..  The  cause  was  high    temperature and  eruptions occurred  frequently,  althoughit  did  not damage the  systems  most    of  the  time. By  radio,one of  the pilots reported::

-   velocidade "Control,wind  speed  ventos  increased. 600 km/s. Our  shields  can't  take it  anymore..  Temperatures  risingto a  800°C.   There's   a  large volume  of  gas  from the  last  eruption  coming  our  way.. "

-   "Get out of  there  right  now! A  planet like  this  is  harmful  to  us   Scorpio.  . "  -  Ordered  the Gen. Mr. Kalar..

The emperor  accompanied the   mission  and  commented on something he  remembered:: 

-   And by the  formas falar way, the Lanian derlanianos10  detected  a  planet in the Era System that probably  has  adequate  conditions for Scorpio or similar life vida  forms..  Rememberthat during  our  rule  in    Scorps    some  rebels escaped  in  a  colony ship.. "11

IV - Colony

 Endoria Surface

Pandora II had moved  through  deslocado  hyperspace  at the  speed  of  light  to  the  surface. The  deceleration  maneuver  as it manobra    left  hyperspace  had  been  the  most  difficult..  As    it  ela  occurred, theenemies  tried    to trackher down. Upon disembarking, Thirty  commented:: 

-   These clothes  will  keep  us  in  a  stable  temperature. The  air  will  be drained  inwards  and  the temperature  and  air  ar  pressure regulated..  Elas    They're  twice as bigger  as on  our  planet. Water  can  only  be  found  ina liquid state  underground    and  in the form   of  steam in  the  atmosphere.. "13

-"Wow! It's funny a planet lit by two suns. " - Thought


At thatinstant,  something approachedfrom  behind  and  tore off  his  helmet of the pilot. Another  crew member  noticed..  He  shot:

The  pressure sua     seu  eventually  caused his  seus  organs  to jump out and his head contracteduntil  his blood  and   lungs like lungs  came out of his  mouth. 14th

-"Captain, come here! "-Called Mr. Tetra.

-"Your Divine Majority, the pressure must have crushed you! "

-"I couldn't save him. She attacked him. " - Tetra pointed to the creature falling to the ground.

-"His appearance is of an Aryan nomadic warrior or one of the barbarians. The pressure caused him to become deformed. - You've analyzed Mr. Thirty. "15

-"Let's get out of here. Start repairs to the ship. Mr. Thirty found a village... "

-"A mile away. " - Said Mr. Thirty

"Let's go over there. "

The exploration  team  discovered    a  village  whose  dwellings  looklike vaults, some  made  of metal and plastic  and    others  transparent..  In it, . the habitavam  Scorpio  escorpianos  who  escaped  Zark  during  the  occupation  of Scorpiae.

Scorpio  have  developed  an  artificial  atmosphere since the  planeta  planet's  is harmful..  There  is  no  oxygen in  the  appropriate  proportion to breathing..  Half  of the  população  population depends  on  air-conditioned  environments at 38°C and the  other  at higher  temperatures, allowing us  to  live in  the  large deserts. Many  have mutated    and  lost  the  function  of  defending   their  poisonous  claws deserts. Many  have mutated    and  lost  the  function  of  defending   their  poisonous  claws.. 


Contact with  the Scorpio  was  peaceful. Thirty  stupephised:-se:

-“See,           sóa     colony colônia          with     our  own  living    conditions!"!” Afraid, medoa  Scorpio    came out of  a  small group of curious:

-"Aliens, Derlanians? "18

"-Yes. " - Answered Ender.

He made the  peace   sign  and  continued::

-"We came in peace in the name of the alliance of the peoples of the Solar System. "19

-"I'm Lazar. Republican head of the colony. Welcome. "

-"No one ever believed you existed. Well... almost anyone. "

-"What brings you here? "

-"We've come to make contact with the barbarians. "

-"They are nomadic peoples. They travel through the desert, attack towns and villages. They think killing is good. They've never been able to develop. "

-"We had information that they were developing. "

-"They must have mixed it up. We're developing.

We built spaceships..  We  have a spaceport."

-"We have discovered that Zork will attack you and we wish to help you. "

-"Yes, I imagined this threat. Come with me. "

ordenar  Lazar tookthemto  the   radio  room  to  make  contact with Pandora II, order them to take  off and fly to  the   colony.

One of the search ships  had  captured  Pandora II. The Emperor  Imperador  begins  to  prepare  the  invasion and  deceives  engana  the  enquanto nomads,  while in  the colony the  population their  defenses.. 20th

-  "Information, Gen. Mr. Kalar?? "

-   "Yes,  V. Majority. Pandora II has gone  straight to  the planet's    surface. Now  it's taken off  in  the  direction  of our  target.. "

-  "The  false  information  did not help  anything  Gen. Kalar,kalar! "

-  "Forgiveme,  Your Majority.. "

-   "Apologies  do  not help  Kalar! We  will  attack  and  prevent  those  Scorpio  from  returning  to  their  home aqueles  planet.". 21

-  Continue with preparations  for  the  invasion.. "

Surface of Endoria

-"Gentlemen, I know many of you don't know me, but the elders remember that I fought in the great war against Scorpi in his liberation from the planet Zork. Now we're here to keep Zork from destroying them. So I ask anyone who knows how to fly flying vehicles to volunteer. "

Ender assembled  a  group of 320  pilots,,

being 120 of them  volunteers..

- "All right, that's a part of the solar system. We know assim   zark's  ships haveisolated  him as  well  as the nebula. This is  where  our  nossos  stellar cargueiros passed to    the embargo of  our  routes..  Any  ship that passes through there is destroyed..    We will divide  you into  four  groups  of  eighty  people  and  each  cada  will  take care of  a  part  of  the  space..  You  will  meet  with ships and  fighters from   various  planets..  Vain  and  good  luck..  We'll  go with Pandora II to the Horizons ship."

The Derlanians   and Scorpio    took off from Endoria   foram  and  headed    towards  a League cruiser. The  Horizons  ship got  into  trouble and  got  in  the  way.  The Fighters F- 104 Eagles and G-5  Guardians  took off from the  surface   of Endoria and  flew  toward inimigos  enemies,  dividing itself to  four groups. The  terceiro      cinturão   proteger   first  group  had  orders   proteger ataque    to  atacar  attack  the   cruisers and imperial  couraçados  battleships,the  second the destroyers, in addition to protecting the attackships, the third breaking thebarrier, which  extended from the asteroid belt to the nebula and the fourth protecting the surface  and  orbit  of  Endoria,  supporting  the  surface teams..

The  leaders  of  the fighter pilots  coordinated::

-  "All  right,first  group  come  with  me.. "

-  "Giammmm!! "

-  "Attack discs  ataque  in  sight! "

-  "Arm  your  loads  to  laser. "

-  "Armed lasers . "

-  "HereLá  they  come..  Triggering  space  drive. "-  Tchiamm.! Tchiamm!! "

-  "Bumm! Boom, boom,boom! "

-  Eagle one,   minus  one! "

Near  the nebula,the  barrier  had  been  broken. The  third  team  joined  the  allied  squadrons  that  managed  to  break  the  isolation   barrier..  Zork ordered reinforcements.   The  league's    next marked target was the baseship.

-Giammm.! "

-Tchiamm.! Tchiamm!! "

-"They're shooting at us! - Exclaimed one of the target pilots of the discoid cruiser. "

-   de Estão  They're  using  the bow  cannons. "

-   "Reverse the   polarity  of the energy  field..  Let's  go  through the their force field." força

-  "Inverted  polarity. "

-  Giamm, giamm.! "

-  Tchiamm.! Tchiamm!! "

-  "Bumm! Boom, boom,boom! "

With the disc broken,the base ship  becamethe new  target..

-  Fireat  the radar and the  tower.. "

-  "LetDeixa  me  do    it,  Commander. "

-  Tchiamm.! "

-  "Bumm! "

-  Giamm, giamm.! "

-  "I'll  vou  increase  the  speed! "

-  "Dragon  one what do you  want?? "

-   The  ship's  core  can   be broken,causing  the ship to  lose  power.. "

-  "Are you  crazy?!!! "

-  That's  my  name!! "

-  Tchiamm.! "

-  Tchiamm.! "

-  "Bumm! "

-  "Bumm! "

-  General  Kalar, we have   a fighter  who has  escaped..  It  will collide. "

-  " Prepare for  impact  ! "

-  "Giammmm!! "

-  "Bumm! Boom, boom,boom! "-  "Aaah!!

-  "LossPerda  of  energy. Shields  damaged.. "

-They're  Derlanians!! "-   Murmured  Kalar..

-  Get us outof  here!! "

-  "Yes, my  Emperor.. "

At the  same time, the  colony  was  taken  from  Endoria. The  battle  continued. The  settlers  began  returning  to  the  solar  system.
